Generator by Oxy-moron

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UnderTale AU Generator

Generates 2 AU ideas. Some of them might already exist. Some of them make no sense. But there's probably a good AU in there somewhere...


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Oxy-moron Cool results I've gotten: TaxiTale, UnderDead, WinterTale, TaxiTale, PaperTale, MagicTale, UnderParty, UnderHeaven, UnderMelody, UnderFear, SisterTale, PizzaTale, UnderLight
9:49 AM on 10/2/16
Yashari Underbacon? XD Hungertale memories
6:57 PM on 2/12/18
A username UnderTachometer, ChinTale
5:18 PM on 5/20/21
A username Underbagel
5:18 PM on 5/20/21
smol enby "underswamp" shrek vibes lol
11:41 AM on 5/27/21
larmoi101 "UnderCupboard" undertale but there aren't any secrets beneath Papyrus' sink, just normal cleaning supplies and stuff
6:03 PM on 6/19/21
dscrib Undernews, AmericaTale, UnderLow, ForecastTale.
11:33 AM on 8/18/21

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Mike and Joe