Generator by Elicard

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Counter-Terrorist Oranization Generator (C-TOG)

Suddenly, the double-doors to the office fly wildly apart to reveal a lanky gentleman with skewed glasses and a bead of sweat rolling down the bridge of his nose. He's panting as he crosses toward your desk and nearly collapses the moment he reaches you. "Sir," he gasps through his heavy breathing, you resist the urge to hand him a paper bag (even if you had one handy). "Mastermind is back, and his army of robots are destroying Metropolocity!" The breath hitches in your throat, but indecision does not grip you for very long. Knowing just what to do, you reach for the phone...


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glump We have a situation, get me.... "Silver Panther Command "... "The Rainbow Predator League"....."Chrome Company"...."The Wild Enforcers".
10:09 PM on 9/5/11

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Mike and Joe