Generator by DoktorFaustus

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why i won't accept heterosexual characters

I generally don't accept heterosexual characters in my roleplays because of the sheer number of roleplays that only accept heterosexual characters. I'm sick of explaining myself on this, though, so now you can generate a reason why I won't allow heterosexual characters! These are all Grade A, 100% real reasons why other people won't allow LGBT+ characters in their roleplays and I had the time of my life making this. All of these are quotes verbatim, the only changes made were to make it so they were about straight characters, not LGBT ones. And real talk, between you and me, if you don't have anything against LGBT+ folks, but you're pressed enough to make a rule against LGBT+ characters, you have something against LGBT+ folks.


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treebranch1 The descriptor is familiar. Did you make this previously and delete it? Or one very similar?
9:36 AM on 4/23/18
DoktorFaustus I made one previously and deleted it because there were some errors in it that I couldn't fix without having to re-do the whole thing.
1:41 PM on 4/23/18
treebranch1 Sometimes when I want to Edit, it's impossible. Even though I change the reverts to the original.
10:08 AM on 4/24/18

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