Generator by hoche

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Interesting Sites 1

Interesting communities to populate the kingdom with. Includes a mentally unbalanced character.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
hoche This hamlet hides a unique deep well secretly run by a greedy crone with a case of Postpartum Depression
11:40 AM on 2/17/14
hoche This kingdom hides a legendary fighter school inherited by a foppish serial killer suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder
10:06 PM on 2/28/14
hoche This town has a crowded granary inhabited by a greedy exiled elf suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
10:36 PM on 2/28/14
hoche This village hides a mysterious fountain built by a secretive alchemist suffering from Cyclothymic Disorder
10:32 PM on 3/2/14
hoche This village hides a unique mansion owned by a bored metalsmith with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
1:08 AM on 3/4/14
hoche This village has a dreamscape-haunted sewer built by a greedy teacher obsessed with the study of Acute Stress Disorder
9:31 PM on 5/9/14
hoche This village hides a legendary perfume store built by an exiled bard obsessed with the study of Dissociative Identity Disorder
12:41 PM on 6/5/14
hoche This kingdom hides a creaky and rundown country fair secretly run by an introverted scholar suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder
3:16 AM on 6/24/14
hoche This kingdom has a primeval-haunted inn owned by a vain demigod afflicted with Eating Disorder
4:22 AM on 7/11/14

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Mike and Joe