Generator by Thrae

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Warrior Cat Death Generator

I decided to make this because there's a serious need of one of these. Some deaths go together. Flooding and the gorge are considered drowning however a cat can survive the fire but then die later from complications caused by inhaling too much smoke. Enjoy and if you see a death not listed then tell me and I'll add it.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
InfernoLevitate What about being crushed by a rock?
9:22 PM on 12/16/19
Miragedew And what about suicide? Killing yourself?
6:22 PM on 3/20/22
Miragedew I mean it's a know, but I read a fan-fiction where there was this medicine cat that, like, was totally unsatisfied with herself and thought she was too snappy and mean and it would be better if she were dead so she killed herself!
6:23 PM on 3/20/22

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