Generator by Arachnakid

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Monster Mash 1.3

Monsters for any horror, fantasy, or sci-fi. Third update!


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Maysun "This monster is tall and thin with long claws and mutilates its prey. It may bond with a human if their will is strong enough. " I can only imagine the human's horror. I love it.
5:09 PM on 2/2/12
bromego123 "This monster is tall and thin with long claws and drinks blood. It defends itself with venom." Yesss
2:44 AM on 2/8/13
bromego123 This monster is a mix of several different animals and is a dangerous parasite. It is usually docile, but very protective of its young.//
6:28 AM on 2/9/13
Arkio Dharkaea "This monster is barely distinguishable from a human and eats plants. It lives in harmony with humans." Damn vegans...
1:37 AM on 7/11/13
Akavakaku "This monster appears mostly canine and eats constantly due to its high metabolism. If it's nest is disturbed it pursues the intruders mercilessly." I think I'm familiar with this creature...
6:03 PM on 7/25/14
Cela08 "This monster is catlike and graceful and brings food to a hive queen. It is sometimes captured and kept as a pet." Guys, please stop stealing cats from the Cat-Hive. They need to feed their queen!
10:12 AM on 5/1/15
SylviaMaple "This monster appears mostly canine and engulfs prey with its whole body. It lives in harmony with humans." Pacifist Endogeny?
4:13 PM on 12/22/16
UndeadYeti This monster looks like a gigantic worm and attracts prey with a sweet scent. It is usually docile, but very protective of its young.
6:20 PM on 5/28/17
Littleluv04 "This monster seems to be a random mish-mash of body parts and is more likely to target the young and weak. It is sometimes captured and kept as a pet." Honey! Our franken-pet is eating the kids again!
6:27 PM on 9/23/21

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