Generator by Elicard

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The Doctor Who-Based: "Strange New World" Generator

Take a trip with that mysterious, but ever-so wonderful Doctor, and see where you wind up...


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
glump "You arrive on the planet Therminuma in 2399 where sandwiches eat humans." really rather clever this one, and its dr who themed....a 5 from me.
3:02 AM on 9/9/11
Elicard I got a headache about halfway through putting this one together, which means that it'll be edited to have even more wacky combinations. Still working out kinks for things like punctuation...
5:54 PM on 9/9/11
kuesopop Nice, make more. P.S I rated 5.
8:11 AM on 11/9/11

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Mike and Joe