Generator by Advakhiel

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Killer Animatronic Generator

Based on 5 Nights At Freddy's.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
Cela08 "A white rat wearing a dress . Its limbs can detach from its body and move on their own." I know this thing would probably tear me apart, but everything about that description screams 'adorable'. Including the limb part.
11:58 PM on 4/30/15
Cela08 "A grey mouse wearing a schoolgirl outfit . Its shadow is a sentient being that controls the rest of its body." OH MAN STAGE BUDDIES.
12:00 AM on 5/1/15
Tsuni "A gold panda wearing a tuxedo and a monocle . It is extremely intelligent." Good thing I already don't like pandas. We don't need a smart robotic one running around.*gets out a gun*
11:54 PM on 6/16/15

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Mike and Joe