Generator by glump

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Unusual Eye Witness Accounts

There must be a crime wave.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
glump "I saw a sexy woman dressed as a pirate stealing a Rice Cooker from a Dick's Drive-In back window and then getting away via Roller Skates" I would like to meet her, she sounds cool.
10:04 PM on 9/1/11
Pop51 "I saw a short man with a troop of monkeys swiping a Furnace from a Wetzel's Pretzels back door and then getting away via Wheelchair"
1:21 AM on 9/2/11
Pop51 I saw a robot wearing a bikini taking a Gas Range from a Larry's Giant Subs back door and then getting away via Horse-Drawn Boat
1:38 AM on 9/2/11

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Mike and Joe