Generator by glump

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Violent Crimes

Some times there is no punishment befitting the crimes of these evil perpetrators. Please give a rating if you enjoyed this generator.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
glump I'm not sure I will ever better this generator....I know all the inputs and it still makes me laugh!!!
11:25 AM on 9/3/11
glump "An ugly woman sexually pleasured themselves using my Thumb and then rode me around like a horse and now I suffer from Postpartum Depression" ....honestly I'm sick of this happening
11:39 AM on 9/3/11
Elicard "A masked woman tried to munch my shin and then placed a ferret in my pants, and now I have insomnia." I hear that's the best way to get insomnia these days. Pretty funny, man...
12:39 AM on 9/8/11
Arkio Dharkaea A sweaty man sexually pleasures himself using my nipple and then rode me around like a horse and now I've been diagnosed with body dismorphic disorder.
9:18 PM on 8/31/13

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Mike and Joe