Generator by glump

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What the hell did I do last night?

We've all had those hellish nights on the turps where you wake up the next day and barely recall anything of the previous evening.


Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments.
kuesopop Verygoood.
4:49 AM on 9/7/11
Elicard "I was drinking shot after shot of Tequila and I recall chatting to a midget, and then I woke up in a dumpster". Yeah, we've all been there. Nice work!
12:34 AM on 9/8/11
2012nonbeliever Genius!!!
8:17 PM on 6/14/12
2012nonbeliever I was quaffing shot after shot of Green Chartreuse and I remember vomiting on my friends and then I woke up in another country
8:18 PM on 6/14/12
Arkio Dharkaea That's not what I did last night. Last night, I did a dead baby goat.
2:49 AM on 7/31/12
glump Hey Arkio, that you remembered leads me to suggest you weren't drunk at all.... perhaps you should try
5:22 AM on 8/23/13

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